Friday, September 29, 2006

An Eventful Week

Sunday 24 September 2006
Went to catch the movie The Devil Wears Prada. Yes yes, a bit late..... but better late than never :)
It was BRILLIANT! Sarcastically funny, and the lead actresses (Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep) were great. Highly recommended.

Tuesday 26 September 2006

One of the contractors at work passed away suddenly of heart attack :( He was one of the contractors I've become more familiar with since I got posted to my new area of work. Pretty nice and fun guy who likes to converse to me in Teochew. Life is really unexpected... he was just 47 yrs old. I saw him around the day before, and the next thing I know, the ambulance was here, and he was sent to the hospital where doctors tried to resuscitate him for half an hour. Cause of death was heart attack. Couldn't concentrate on work in the afternoon. Went to his funeral wake on wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday 27 September 2006
Went to catch preview of 宝贝计划 (Rob-B-Hood) as colleague had free tix. Grew out of Jackie Chan movies many years ago, but this new movie of his is HILARIOUS!! Of course I think a big part of why the movie is so enjoyable is due to 帅哥 古天乐 and the extremely adorable baby :) Helped to cheer me up after the shocking event on tuesday.

Thursday 28 september 2006
Won free tix to the Nokia Starlight Cinema, so decided to go for the Ladies night screening of Just Like Heaven. Thought it would be very noisy with the cars moving around the Padang, but it was a surprisingly quiet. Quite a fun outing under the haze (unfortunately unable to see any stars through the haze). Only complaint is 屁股痛 after sitting through the movie on the ground! Best to bring your own mat and maybe a cushion...

Check out the freebies from the event!

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