Friday, May 11, 2007


Think was too pissed the last 2 days... blood boiling most of the time... ended up with a 39.1 deg fever out of the blue :( Was very sudden, with no symptoms of flu at all.

Fever started on wed night, went to see Doc on thursday morning, and got 2 days mc cos fever was very high. Doc said to look out for rashes in case it's dengue fever, and gave me extra powerful panadol. At first I didn't want to eat the extra powerful panadol. Juz stuck to the normal panadol, but fever was still hovering around 38 - 38.8 deg the whole of thursday. So had no choice but to take the super panadol this morning. Fever subsided by late afternoon. Really powerful panadol... only took 3 times (2 pills each time) for the fever to subside completely. And lucky no rashes, so not dengue.

Wonder if fever was due to my hot temper the last 2 days...